Why Intriplo is a one of YepAfrica’s mainsponsors?
Since years we experience that big organizations, which provide help in the world, do not supply the right feedback and are always questioned about their expenditure and how much money is really spend on help. The minimal feedback is mostly focussed on attracting more contributors.
Intriplo is a very succesful and no-nonsence company. We need to be involved, experience, be emotional connected and require results. That is why we are happy to be connected as main sponsor with YepAfrica . YepAfrica matches perfectly with our values: transparancy, accessibility, short lines and a loving hart. And most important: there is a great funfactor.

Paul Engelsman
telephone: +31 (0) 78 651 2630
E-mail: info@intriplo.nl
Website: Intriplo Projecten B.V.