Foday Drammeh
Foday Drammeh is a married man at the age of 36 who is living in Sukuta. He is currently self-employed as he is working as a manager of a health treatment center. Despite the fact that he likes his current job, he dreams of becoming a successful businessmen and an entrepreneur to help his fellow Gambians.
Before his current job, Foday was working in a pharmacy and working there motivated him to start his own treatment center. He now offers health care services to the community of Bafuloto. What makes his services good is the fact that he offers good health care services with affordable prices which makes many people in the community benefiting from his services.
According to Foday the Marketing essentials training and Business plan training of Yepafrica that he followed in 2017 have contributed to his success.
Despite his skills and supporting wife, Foday encounters challenges and obstacles to execute his work properly as the government has not given him the right documents to fulfill his work in a successful way. He is planning to meet with the right persons to gain these documents so that he can overcome these challenges and obstacles, gain the documents he needs, and further work on his dreams.
Beside the skills he has learned during this training, foday argues that his wife has been a big support.